My wife, Prema, and I fell in love with Sudbury and moved here in the early 90s. We moved largely for the reputation of the school system and for the beautiful rural nature of the town and all of its open space. We have loved living here, educated 2 children here, and plan on retiring here.
For over 30 years, I have worked within the higher education sector. At The Registry, an interim executive placement firm, I have worked with my three partners to grow the firm exponentially over the last 15 years into the national leader within its niche. I manage the marketing efforts and have been the Registry principal on over 200 interim placements and consulting engagements. We have grown the firm from 14 placements annually to 150 placements a year.
Prior to The Registry, I was Director of College Services for Athletic IQ, Inc. (AIQ), which developed the first standardized test for athletic ability (the athletic equivalent to the SAT test); Director of External Affairs at Northeastern University’s nationally renowned Center for the Study of Sport in Society; and Director of the Northeast Regional Office of the National Consortium for Academics and Sports (NCAS).
I am currently serving my fifth term as a school committee member for the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School District, a board member of Collegia Catholic Boston Corporation, a lector at The Ascension Parish in Sudbury and a former parish council member, and a former trustee of Massachusetts Bay Community College.
LSRHS and Town Committees
Lincoln-Sudbury Committee Assignments
Chair, Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School District Committee
Finance Subcommittee
Chair, Negotiations Subcommittee
Strategic Planning Subcommittee
Founding Chair, LS OPEB Trust Board
Educational Technology Subcommittee
Buildings/Capital Planning/Facilities Use Subcommittee
Superintendent/Principal & Faculty Evaluation Subcommittee
Chair, Superintendent Search Committee
Racial Climate Task Force
Liaison to Sudbury Public School Committee
Liaison to Sudbury Parks and Recreation
Town of Sudbury
Sudbury Capital Planning Committee
Sudbury Budget Task Force
Search Committee for Sudbury Town Manager